Freshman Wrap Up

One year ago I was eagerly anticipating the start of college. And now I've already got one year under my belt. Where the time went this semester? I do not know. But as part of me wants to go home and see all my old friends and relax from school, the other part of me wants to stay here. Because believe it or not, Dallas is basically my new home. I have made some of the greatest friends this year and have had some amazing experiences. And it's going to be so wierd to pack up everything and go home for three months.
Throughout this year I have tried things that I never thought I would do in my entire life, new and exciting experiences. I came from across the country knowing nobody at the beginning of the year and now I am leaving, knowing that I have so much to come back to next year.
I have also realized how grateful I am to have had the opportunity to come to college at SMU. Some of my friends didn't have the financial availability to go to a college outside of our hometown, and have not branched out from the life they have known for 18 years of their lives. But I have been grateful enough to branch away from the life I have known and explore so many new and exciting aspects to life.
Being in Dallas has made me realize one major thing: I definitely won't be living in Wisconsin when I'm older. Although Dallas offers the perk of nice weather, being in Texas has shown me theres so much to learn in other parts of the world. So I want to travel. I want to explore. I want to meet people from everywhere.
I know throughout the next three years of my college experience, there are always going to be ups and downs. But I know that I can leave Dallas knowing that what I am coming back to is something I love just as much, if not even more, than home in Wisconsin. And if that doesn't show a succesful first year of college experience, than what does?
I have read some of your blog posts and I think they are good. You have a great blogging voice and you connect well with your audience. You state your opinion in a way that is approachable and not ranting. I like how you have a wide variety of what you write about. I think your writing is incredible and you are very clear in what you think. One thing I reccomend is asking a question at the end. That way even if you are stating something you saw or felt, ending it in a question enables the reader to engage and this creates conversation.
April 23, 2008 at 8:45 AM
I agree with Mam. All of your posts were very interesting and I agreed with most of it so I did not know how to respond other than saying "yes I agree". I think that if you maybe show two sides to the issue and ask for what people think, it might give readers more of an idea on how to answer back.
April 23, 2008 at 11:44 AM
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